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Freecall National

Country-Specific Freecall Numbers

Customers can reach you on a country-specific freecall number at the national free-phone tariff with Freecall National Service Numbers. This number can also be made international if desired, depending on availability. Your customer orientation will become really visible and the free support will impress potential and existing customers and boost competitiveness.

Freecall National Service Numbers are a well-established marketing instrument and are chosen frequently. They increase direct customer contact levels and ensure that your callers feel good – from the very first call.  

Your advantages:  

  • Well-established service number in each country
  • Noticeable increases in customer contact through visible customer orientation
  • A service range that convinces potential new customers
  • Maximum flexibility to re-direct and transfer calls to others
  • Simple success measurement through comprehensive statistics

Freecall National numbers are currently available for more than 60 countries and coverage is expanding constantly. 

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